Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The first on the 1st

I find it fitting to be posting my first blog entry in my BlahBlahBlog on the first day of what's supposed to be "our year." That's what Bryan and I professed to each other about four hours after midnight as we finished cleaning up the mini streamers and champagne flutes (that actually housed Martinelli's sparkling cider) that we enjoyed with another couple, known as ActressFriend and ActressFriend'sHusband. Just as we were about to flip off the lights and head up to bed, Bryan and I rekissed in the kitchen and when I snuggled into his t-shirt, he said, "2008. This is so our year." He's not wrong. We're getting married. Sure, the wedding is only one day in the year, but the first five months of 2008 will be filled with last minute planning and the remainder of 2008 post-wedding will be about thank you notes, and wedding albums, and first holidays as husband and wife. And for that, we are so excited for this year!

I'm sure this blog will be pretty wedding heavy. After all, I decided to create one after the inspiration I got from my fellow wedding-planning partners in crime I've "met" on the Knot's L.A. message boards. It will be fun to go back and read about this planning process. I also look forward to posting movie critiques, food reviews and my never ending opinions about my experiences at the theatre.

A fun blog and a fun year awaits, and I'm feeling as bubbly as last night's Martinelli's!


MissJordyPants said...

Welcome! "Your" year is going to be awesome :-)

Anne K. in L.A. said...

Weclome to the Blogosphere!

Randi said...

Welcome to The Blog World, Ali!

Here's to 200Great!


gee said...

I remember when we said the same thing on the 1st of 2007. Our year went by so quickly, enjoy your year!

Congrats on the new blog!

Fazio said...

Yay! A new blog to read!