Monday, June 30, 2008

Me Fat...

...So we got Wii Fit!


I have to say, I was a Wii Fit doubter. Then B hooked it up and I played guinea pig and realized it's fun!! It certainly beats just sitting on the couch and doing NOTHING. I'm not banking on either of us going to Muscle Man contests after some time with this thing, but it's movement that we normally don't get that we could use. And it's fun!


We can do yoga!

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We can do strength exercises!


We can play balance games (like "head butting" soccer balls from all sides) !!

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I think Wii Fit will really help a lot of otherwise sedentary Americans get active and moving. It doesn't feel like dreaded exercise but I did find it to be a workout! After about 20 minutes of Wii Fit, I felt a little winded and I definitely broke a sweat. The more games I do, the more advanced levels I unlock. And best of all, if I skip a few days, it scolds me and tracks my stats (weight and BMI) so I know that it's working and I don't want to get nagged even by a game console, so I'd prefer to just work out and see progress.

Maybe this is the trick to keeping off newlywed weight!

1 comment:

MissJordyPants said...

I've been talking to Chris about purchasing one of these. I think we shall.