Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hey Girlfriend, Hey Girlfriend, Hey

Last week I had dinner with some of my favorite friends! Jordana, Jenny, Keren and Wendy shelpped to meet me at Moz Buddha Lounge in Agoura where we enjoyed yummy drinks and grub. Keren and Wendy were there first, so the three of us enjoyed yummy (free!) appetizers in the bar and nursed some martinis. I enjoyed the key lime martini that had the perfect ratio of bad stuff (the alcohol -- I'm a wimp!) and the good stuff (the key lime). I liked the graham cracker dusting -- nice touch.

Just when we thought we were having a grand ol' time and things couldn't get better, Jenny showed up and the laughs and conversation continued. We moved on over to our table, chowed down on some edamame and french fries (hold the blue cheese for Keren and me!) and finally, Jordana joined our table and we were a complete group of wonderful ladies!!

It's amazing to me that we've all only known each other for not too much more than a year, and only a handful of in-person months, and how much I adore their company. We talked about the good, the bad and the ugly (and even the sexy!) and we laughed liked old friends. I love that!!

We were all entertained by how shy and nervous the young waiter was. Ya can't blame him -- he was new AND he had to serve a table of h-o-t young women!

But he took our picture and documented what a wonderful evening we had and that, Mr. Young Waiter, is all that counts!

(stolen photo courtesy of Jordana's blog)

We missed a few of our other close friends who couldn't make it, but we know there will be many more good times together and that makes me all giddy inside!


Anne K. in L.A. said...

I'm so disappointed I missed this month's dinner:(

I heard you the place was delish!

MissJordyPants said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah us!

Miss you :-)