Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mamma Mania

Mother's Day was a huge hit for B and me. We coordinated a full day, catering to our moms and making sure we spent good quality time with them.

We took his mom out to brunch and walked around the Ventura Harbor Village and went on a boat ride. The weather was kinda icky in the marina, but we still managed to have a bright, cheery time. She really enjoyed the morning and we ended it with some more chatting back at her house. Mother's Day turned into Presents Dad when both in-laws-to-be gave us a whole slew of wedding gifts! There's another post coming soon. Let's just say, we gave birth to our new favorite kitchen baby.

After the day with B's parents, we came home, took a break and got ready for Mother's Day Round II which was supposed to consist of a nice dinner to start, but my parents were both in no mood to eat after being at the Dodger game all day, so after visiting in our living room for a bit we went straight to our second activity: bowling!

We had a lot of fun. I haven't bowled with my parents in a long time and I hate to admit it, but my mom is pretty good. She looks totally silly DOING it:

IMG_1659 IMG_1655

but she got the most strikes and spares out of all of us!

See her victory dance?


We all took our turns during the course of 3 games:

IMG_1657 IMG_1649 IMG_1651

and then I learned a very important lesson on Mother's Day: When it comes to looking cool during a bowling game, Like Mother, Like Daughter

IMG_1652  (apparently, I am a pigeon-toed bowler).


Oh yeah, and I suck.


1 comment:

MissJordyPants said...

I love bowling! But can we talk about your cardigan and how much I ADORE it!