Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2008

For the longest time -- 14 months to be exact -- people would ask us, "Oh, so when's the big day?" and we'd shrug our shoulders, grin, wave our hand down in the air and reply "not til May 2008."

Well guess what party people? It IS May 2008. Holy mother of MAY. I'm not going to lie and say the whole time flew (it definitely did not) but 2008 has happened quickly and it seems like only a bit ago that I started this blog when 2007 ended, moments after we clinked glasses, wished Happy New Years all around, and B declared "this is SO our year." Well, B, it is SO our MONTH.

Now when people ask about the time until our wedding, I respond with "in about 3 weeks" and people gasp and ooo and ahhh. It's all about the waiting game for the rest of the time. All the major details are handled (my fiance rocks my world for arranging the riser for the band this week. Big future husband points there!) and now we can just look forward to the wedding day. I feel GREAT about things in my little corner of the world, too, which is a relief because it wasn't always that way. So now, only good things.

Happy May everyone! To my fellow May brides, have an amazing month of going bridal!


weezermonkey said...

Time to put on your game face!

I am excited for you. :)

MissJordyPants said...

YAAAAAAAAH! So soon :-)

Bryan said...

This is because you like getting comments on your blog, so here you go... Love, me