Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Invitations are stuffed!

We are one step closer to wedding official-ness here at Bride & Groom Home Base! B and I spent the night stuffing our envelopes (after stuffing our faces; holy moly, have you tried the Bertoli bags of pasta dishes found in your frozen food section of your grocery store? Do not walk - RUN - and buy these mothas. Yes, I just said mothas. That's how content I am with this food purchase, that I am using urban slang. About an Italian dish. They have gangs in Italy.) and completing the whole invitation suite, which is now ready to be mailed out! Woo hoo!

The only thing left to do is a) notify that the  calligrapher that one name is spelled incorrectly -- I can't really blame the lady; a name like Alioto became Alloto so she just misread the dot on the "i" and took it for an "l" and b) go to the post office and have these bad boys weighed IMG_1588so I don't end up with inconsistent weights and the invitations have to all be restamped. Happened to this chick on The Knot and it reaffirms my hatred for the USPS. I swear, when I become a zillionaire, I am going to FedEx everything and avoid the PO like the plague. They eff up so much stuff, it's scary!! I swear, one invite gets lost or torn and heads are gonna roll. AliGoesPOSTAL. That'll be my new name.

Oh, and while we're on the subject of venting about the USPS, can I just say THANK YOU for changing the rates of stamps like 3 days after my RSVP deadline. This really isn't too much of a big deal on paper, but from what I understand, there is such thing as stragglers and I have to put these ugly things on my reply card envelopes JUST IN CASE some lazy mofo (what is with my vocabulary tonight?!) doesn't get the SASE out by May 12th and it never arrives because the USPS won't just throw me a bone and deliver the mail anyway and the RSPV goes unrecognized. So, no pretty flowers or cute stamps for my RSVP cards. Nope. Got a stupid ugly doody-brown cracked bell on the sticky stamp. B called me unpatriotic when I complained about this earlier. So, for the record, I love my country very much. I just do not appreciate the aesthetics of the Forever Stamps as part of my wedding invitation suite. Pretty Crane letterpressed paper and doody-brown Liberty Bells are not friends. Hey, if this is my one Bridezilla moment, I am doing a-okay!


With Love ~ csunsweetie said...

YES! Those dinners are awesome!!! Did you see the Top Chef last season where they had to basically recreate the same thing?

Only one team actually realized the trick and won. MMMM. I want the asparagus one STAT!

MissJordyPants said...

you slay me Miss Ali!

Dinner in bags freak me out. But if you so highly recommend them, I might throw a bag in the freezer for nights when I (and by I, I mean Chris) doesn't want to cook.

SOOOOOO exciting about the invitations! I cried the day I sent mine. Literally, freaked.Out. But then it felt so good to have them out of my life!

weezermonkey said...

The forever stamp is not too bad. :)

Bryan said...

Hey, you were going to have doody brown be one of your wedding colors at one point, so the liberty bell would have matched perfectly. Good thing I'm here to look out for you.